
4 Personal Branding Strategies for You

4 Personal Branding Strategies for You


You’ve probably heard it a thousand times: Be careful what you post on social media.

In reality, social media is the most powerful tool you can use to differentiate yourself in the Attention Economy.

As serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk says: “Social media is the state of the Internet.”

In other words, it’s how people consume content today.

But, unlike other popular platforms through which people consume content (TV, radio, newspapers and magazines), virtually anyone can leverage social media to reach the right people, with the right message, at the right time — a concept known as personal branding.

A personal brand is like a 3-D resumé or portfolio: Whereas a traditional resumé or portfolio tells gatekeepers what you’ve done and can do, a personal brand brings these aspects to life. It provides depth to your personality, skills and capabilities, all of which are relatively hard to convey in a resumé or portfolio.

Here are four ways to build a personal brand that will separate you from the pack and help you land opportunities you desire:

1. Refine your why statement.

Most people define themselves by their “how” (skills and abilities) and “what” (past experience), but your “why” — why you do what you do — is the most effective way to express yourself.

According to bestselling author Simon Sinek (the author of “Start With Why”), a why statement is the “purpose, cause or belief that inspires you.” To keep it simple, fill in the blanks: I want __________ (your contribution), so that __________ (your impact).

2. Define your audience.

In other words, who will help you achieve your career or business goals, by simply knowing more about who you are, what you do, and why you do it?

To identify these gatekeepers, ask yourself the following questions:

Demographics – What is the primary age range, socioeconomic profile, language and gender of my target audience?

Geographics – Where does my target audience live and/or work? And, where does my target audience “live” online? That is, what websites, blogs and/or social media channels do they frequent?

Psychographics – What buttons can I push to get my target audience to engage with me online?

Behaviors – Which type(s) of content does my target audience prefer, and do they prefer it via computer, mobile phone, or both?

3. Leverage relevant platforms.

After you’ve learned enough about the psychographics of your gatekeepers, it’s time to identify the platforms on which they consume content. Email and LinkedIn are typically safe bets, and potentially Twitter and Facebook as well. Either way, let research be your guide.

As you’re identifying the relevant platforms, it’s imperative to take into account the unique user experience that defines each one. In other words, why do people use these platforms, how do they use them, and what do they expect from them?

These answers, combined with your “why” statement, will dictate the type(s) of content you will create and share, as well as the topics and perspectives through which you’ll present them.

4. Be original, and get personal.

Sharing unoriginal content — content from other people and sources — is a common mistake among people who want to develop a personal brand. Aggregating content here and there won’t kill you, but the strongest personal brands are built on the backs of original content: unique perspectives about relevant topics, conveyed through the right types of content on the platforms your target audience most frequents.

Another common mistake is an overly professional approach. Certainly, professionalism is a must, but it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate yourself when you only present your professional attributes and experiences. (At the end of the day, there are many people who have professional attributes and experiences similar to yours.)

To truly differentiate yourself, find a healthy balance between creating and sharing original content that portrays interesting aspects of your personal and professional lives, resulting in an authentic and multifaceted personal brand.